Sleep disorders can interrupt normal sleep patterns, compromise your health, and affect your quality of life. If you are not able to concentrate at work or at school, you are irritable or moody, or you feel like you just can’t make it through the day because you have no energy, you might have a sleep disorder. Worse yet, some sleep disorders can lead to serious health problems such as increased risk for heart attack and stroke.
That’s why it’s important to seek help from a trained sleep specialist if you have a sleep disorder or think you might have one. The sleep specialists at Desert Center for Allergy and Chest Diseases will evaluate your sleep patterns to determine the source of your sleep problem and make a diagnosis. The most common sleep disorders include:
Sleep apnea is typically caused by an obstruction in the nose or throat that blocks a person’s breathing airway. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (not breathing) can be exacerbated by allergic rhinitis, which causes nasal congestion. Our pulmonary medicine and allergy providers can provide coordinated care and the most appropriate treatment for this, which may include allergy injections.
We may be able to perform a Home Sleep Study in the comfort of your own home. In most cases we can diagnose obstruction or central sleep apnea. The Home Study measures your oxygen, heart rate (during sleep) and breathing.
Our doctors will personally and thoroughly review the data collected during your sleep study so they can make an accurate diagnosis, share the results with you and discuss treatment options for your sleep disorder. They will follow your progress closely to ensure you achieve optimal results.
If you are having trouble sleeping or think you have a Sleep disorder call the sleep specialists at Desert Center for Allergy and Chest Diseases. To schedule an appointment please call us at (602) 788-7211 Option #3